Forum Acusticum 2023
10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association

Forum Acusticum 2023 will be hosted at the Politecnico di Torino, in a renovated area of the campus with new and well-equipped rooms. The Congress will be a world leading event in the areas of acoustics and vibration and a great opportunity for participants to increase their knowledge, to share new techniques and competences, in the wide range of acoustics nowadays addressed in the community. A very attractive technical program will be ensured, with 5 keynote lectures, several technical visits and invited and contributed papers, which address all the subjects of acoustics, from basic research to applied topics. In addition, social programs, tours, and a jam session have been planned for participants and accompanying persons, which will enjoy the Turin’s culture and the beauties of the Piedmont region.
The EAA summer school on the hot emerging topics of acoustics will be organized along 3 days before the conference, from the 8th to the 10th of September 2023, as attracting opportunity for students and young researchers.