ANV 2023

The 2nd Biennial International Conference on Acoustic and Vibration (AnV 2023) will take place on October 18–21, 2023, organized by the Vibration and Acoustic Laboratory, Department of Engineering Physics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia. This event is the continuation of our two previous events, the Regional Conference on Acoustic and Vibration (RECAV 2017) and the 1st Biennial International Conference on Acoustic and Vibration (AnV 2020).
This event will provide a common platform for fellow Indonesian and global experts and researchers to disseminate their recent original research findings, discuss current issues, and exchange ideas related to acoustic and vibration technologies with their respective international colleagues. It also provides a direct meet-up and match-up with potential companies’ R&D toward practical, commercial application as well as serving our greater social needs to boost economic growth.