Micro-macro homogenization of mechanical parameters of porous material

This doctoral project is part of a larger, multidisciplinary and international project VAMOR: “Vibro-Acoustic Model Order Reduction” (no. 101119903) funded under the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks within the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Commission.

We offer a fully funded 3-year PhD position at LAUM, UMR 6613 CNRS. This is a joint degree with KULeuven. Poroelastic materials are used to mitigate both the acoustic and the elastic energies. This energy dissipation relies on visco-thermal and viscoelastic losses, which are inherent to the materials properties of the fluid and solid phases and to their microstructure. Relating the microstucture to the macroscopic behavior of poroelastic materials is therefore of primary importance to design poroelastic materials. Two-scale homogenization has been widely used to derive effective properties of such bi-phasic materials, principally when the skeleton is rigid. The present thesis aims at developing and promoting the two-scale homogenization of the entire poroelastic materials, that is to derive the effective properties of both the fluid and the solid phases from the microgeometry. This microgeometry will then be optimized, graded, or designed to exhibited new behavior in poroelastic materials. In that context, the candidate will use two-level model reduction techniques to reduce expensive numerical models. (…)

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